
Radios VS Televisions收音机VS电视
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Along with rapid economic development, radios and televisions have become a common household appliance in commonfamily. Generally speaking, radios are as important as televisions to an average family. However, as the functions of televisions continually by innovation of technology for creating a perfect one, it seems that televisions have the advantage. Nevertheless, from my own perspective, there is still a market for radios, or even more advantages.


On the one hand, radio gained popularity because of its low price mul-information. In common family, radio basically is used for killing time so it is perfect that the price per set is just a few dozen Yuan and takes up little space. Besides, we can gain information from the radio whenever we want. If we want to listen in to the music, news and broadcast, we just need to turn on the switch. As for television set, however, in poor, there are still some people who can't afford to buy it. If we have a television, that means we have to pay the cable bills, electricity fare. Therefore, radios are much cheaper than televisions.


On the other hand, radios are in beautiful shape and artful design. Nowadays, radios are designed to be smaller and smaller so that it can be quite convenient to take easily. For example, we can put it in our pocket and listen to it anywhere. On the contrary, televisions are too heavy and big to carry them with us. If we want to watch TV, we have to stay at home and sit in front of the TV set. Meanwhile, we can do other things while listening to the radio. However, once we watch TV, we may be addicted to it.


In all, radios' cost-effective is one of the reasons for the demands of buyers. An intelligent and rational consumer is the one who spends the money wisely. If you just want to have entertainment, it could be a good choice to have a radio.



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