
虎妈战歌读后感Impression after Reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
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Currently, Chinese parents think that children are inherently lazy, so they are strict with the younger generation.Differently, Western parents consider that children love freedom congenitally. Therefore, their children grow up allodially without stringent demands. It is obvious that two utterly different education models come into being.


But every model has both advantages and disadvantages, just like the education ways that the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother mentions. The author Amy Chua, who is a Chinese-American, developed ten house rules for her two daughters. When I read this, I could not stand being anxious about Sophia and Louisa. The mother was excessively austere.


To my surprise, the tiger mother could combine empirical reality with Chinese education methods ably. As a result, she fostered two excellent daughters. They were enrolled in Harvard and Yale University at the same time.


The book, a best seller, initiates us become lost in thought. It leads us to learn how to choose suited education methods. As far as I am concerned, maybe we can be strict in fundamental education, but be bouncy in developing interests and creativity. Only in this way, we will not be limited by some education model. Fostering excellent students can be expected soon.



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