
亚利桑那州 Arizona
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When it comes to the issue of Arizona, I cannot always help imagining the beautiful views of Arizona where I am dreaming of travelling for a long time. Arizona is a state of the United States which is located in the southwestern region of America. Though it is not a so well-known state like Washington or California, you won’t be unfamiliar with Phoenix Suns, one of professional famous NBA team. And Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Besides, Arizona is also famous for its baseball and football.


There are many unique types of scenery in Arizona. The most famous one is the Grand Canyon which is viewed as one of the seven natural wonders in the world. Besides, it is largely contained in the Grand Canyon National Park---one of the first national parks in the United States. In addition, Arizona is the home of one of the most well-preserved meteorite impact sites in the world. The Meteor Crater is a gigantic hole caused by meteorite. Moreover, Arizona’s desert landscape is worth seeing.


Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, the largest airport and the major international airport in the state, is located in Arizona. So we don’t need to be worried about the transportation problems. By the way, Arizona’s public transit system is well-developed.


In a word, Arizona is a nice place to travel. I am strongly eager to visit it. I hope this day will come in the near future.



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