
探险活动 On Adventure Activities
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Depending on personal experience, preference and emotion, different people have different views towards adventure activities like rock climbing and bungee jumping. As far as I am concerned, these adventure activities have a great positive effect on our physical and mental health.


There are reasons accounting for my view. For one thing, it is a good way to keep our body health. In modern society, most people are busier than ever before and have less time to take exercise, so the positive effects that doing exercises bring to us is unprecedented needed. Attending adventure activities now and then can help us keep fit and keep labor and relax in balance. For another, attending adventure activities also has a great impact on keeping our mental health. Most people in modern society suffer greater pressure than ever before and need to release it effectively and promptly. Attending adventure activates needs more concentration and attention and that can help us release our pressure by distracting our attention from work and study. There is no denying that releasing pressure in time is good for our mental health.


To put it in a nutshell, attending adventure activities has a great positive effect on our health. However, one thing should be reminded of that, adventure activities are not appropriated for everyone and great attention should be given while attending.



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