
做个理智的粉丝 Be a Wise Fan
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A hot news shocks people lately, a teenager boy from Brazil is very infatuated with the Korean superstar, so he made the plastic surgery many times, making himself look like a Korean. Before the surgery, he is a handsome boy, but now, in people’s eyes, he disfigures himself. Be a fan, people should keep wise mind, or they will destroy themselves.


Nowadays, fans will be a negative word, because what fans do is very crazy and nonsense. To see the idols, some crazy fans will use the violence to go across the security, destroying the order. There is always the news about the fans getting hurt for the purpose of seeing their idols. What’s more, some fans will drop out of their work, pursuing the stars everywhere. These are horrible action.


Everyone has the right to pursue their idols, but they must have the consciousness that they should not cross the line, there is always a line for being wise and unwise. The wise fans will like the stars for their works; they know clearly that the role and the real person are different, so they won’t support the idols for everything.


For fans, being wise is very important, so they won’t do the wrong things.



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