
世界杯来袭 The Coming of The World Cup
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Recently, the World Cup is coming, this is an excited moment for the football fans. The whole media are waiting for the reporting, because of the long four years’ waiting. Men are so happy to see the extraordinary games, while women are not interested in it at all. This is the common problem in a family, at that time, the TV program always intrigues argument, how to solve this problem?


For most women, they are not interested in football, they think it is so boring, many players chasing a football; it takes so much time for them to get a goal. They will choose to watch TV drama. But when the World Cup comes, women should learn to understand their husbands, the game comes four-year a time, and men’s love for football is like women’s love for the TV drama. So they should not interfere their husbands to watch the game, giving them freedom to watch it.对于女人来说,她们对足球不感兴趣,他们觉得很无聊,很多运动员追着一个球,花了很长时间才打进一个球。她们会选择看电视剧。但是当世界杯来临的时候,女人应该学着去理解丈夫,这场赛事四年才来一次,男人对足球的热爱就像女人对电视剧的热爱。因此她们不应该干涉她们的丈夫看球赛,给他们自由去看球。For men, when they watch the games, they can’t help yelling, so it is not suitable to watch the game at home, they should ask their friends out and watch the game in a hotel or go to the bar. These places are allowing shouting.  对男人来说,当他们看球赛的时候,禁不住叫喊,所以他们不适合在家里看球赛,他们应该叫朋友出来,在旅馆或者酒吧里看。这些地方是允许叫喊的。When both women and men reach the agreement, they will understand each other, so the family will be harmonious. 当男人和女人达成了共识,就能彼此理解,这样家庭才会和谐。


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