Wouldn't it be possible for me to take the day off this Friday?(这个星期五,我是否可以休假一天?)
请休假用takethe day off.如果是两天以上就用days off.老板会很干脆地答应说that'll be OK,或是会带有不悦意味回答“Will everything be all right?(一切都安排就绪了吗?),这些其实也都要看你平时的工作表现而定。所以平时工作努力,偶尔的一次请假应该可以被批准的。当然在请假时需要注意你的语气,要委婉有礼貌。尽量用”could“ ”would“ ”Do you mind“这些词。
Shelly just called in sick. (Shelly 刚打电话来病休)
Call in sick 是一个在办公室内常会用到的片语, 指的是有人打电话来说他生病了不能来上班。当然啦, 这种事一定有相当的比例是偷懒而不想来上班而已, 不然就是员工找藉口集体罢工, 例如 “Some workers called in sick to have a strike.” (有些工人藉由集体打电话病休来罢工。) 如果是正常的病休 (sick leave/ medical leave) 要怎么讲? 你可以说, “I need a sick leave for two days.” (我需要请两天病假。) 或是如果是因为妻子要分娩了, 想要请事假 (personal leave), 你可以说, “I'm asking for a three-day paid/unpaid personal leave for my wife's labor.” (因为我妻子要生了, 我想要请三天假。) 至于这个假是扣不扣钱? (paid/unpaid) 就看公司的政策而定了。
We would like to start this new project next month. Would you be for that?(我们想下月开始这个新的项目。你同意吗?)
这里的for是同意、支持的意思。一般用于征询别人的意见。类似的句子还有 "Would that be all right with you?" " We would like to ask for your approval ." "Does this meet with your approval?" "meet with"使……满意。Can I get your go-ahead? Do I have the green light? "green light" 指绿灯,也是批准的意思。这些都是请求工作上的指示的相关表达。
Excuse me , I'm afraid I can't work overtime at this weekend. (我恐怕这周末不能加班。)
英文里加班叫 work overtime. 例如别人喊你今晚出去吃饭, 你说, "Sorry, I have to work overtime." 就是告诉他, 很抱歉, 我今晚要加班。 不过有趣的是, 除了「加班」可以叫 overtime, 加班费也可以叫 overtime. 例如你可以大声地告诉老板, “You have to pay me overtime!” (你必须要付我加班费。) 不过除非你有十足的把握, 我看还是自己小声讲好了。 除了这个 pay overtime 之外, 老美也常用到另外两个字, 一个叫 double time, 另一个叫 time and one-half. Double time 指的是双倍的工资, 而 time and one-half 或是 time and a half 则是指一倍半的工资。 例如老板叫你作一些额外的工作, 你可以说, "If you pay me double time, I'll do it."(如果你付我双倍的工资, 我就去做。) 再造一句, "I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half."(我喜欢在假日时工作, 因为这时的工资算一倍半。)
肯定的回答:That's fine with me./ That's okay with me./No complaints here./All right/No problem.(好的。)
否定的回答:It's not likely. There's a lot of work to do .(可能不行,还有很多工作要做。)/ Don't count on it (别指望了) I wouldn't hold my breath. (我也不想指望了。)
考虑性回答:It's worth considering.(考虑一下吧)/ I don't fully approve. We need to think about this plan.(我不完全同意,我们还需要考虑以下这个计划。)/I can't give my full approval.(我不完全同意。)
1. A: Excuse me Mr. Smith. Do you mind if I leave a little early tonight? It‘s my daughter's birthday.(对不起Smith先生,我今天晚上可以早点走吗?今天是我女儿的生日。)
B: No problem.(没问题)
2. A: I have to go to the dentist and she‘s only available this afternoon. Could I take a couple ofhours off?(我不得不去看牙医,她只有今天下午有空,我可以请几小时假吗?)
B: Well, If it's important I guess so .(如果重要得话我想可以的。)
3. A: Is it Ok if I work at home tomorrow? I've got the annual report to write and I canconcentrate better at home.(如果明天我在家工作可以吗?我有个年度报告要写,在家可以更集中精力。)
B: Sorry, John. I'm not in tomorrow so I'd like you to be here if it's OK.(对不起,John,明天我不在,如果可以的话我还是希望你能在这里。)
A: Sure.(好的)