
这门课要学多久啊? How long is the course?2017-03-03 选课Listing the study preferences?2017-03-03 玛丽期终考试没有及格 Mary didn't pass the final exam2017-03-03 就要期末考试啦 Finals will be here2017-03-03 学业与工作兼顾 Balancing schoolwork with job2017-03-03 谈论兼职 Talking about the part-time job2017-03-03 我可以续借吗? May I renew them?2017-03-03 你可以在电脑上续借 You can renew them over the computer2017-03-03 你是个“兼职人士”吗? Are you a part-timer?2017-03-03 申请赴美留学 Applying to a US school2017-03-03 保罗考试又不及格 Paul failed again2017-03-03 我们的哲学老师很幽默Our philosophy teacher is very humorous2017-03-03 你要参加毕业典礼吗?Do you want to attend the convocation?2017-03-03 谈论终生学习 Talking about lifelong learning2017-03-03 我会想念日本的 I am going to miss Japan2017-03-03 你的智商一定很高 You must have a high IQ score2017-03-03 你是新来的学生吗?Are you a new student2017-03-03 我在找一个寄宿家庭 I am looking for a home stay2017-03-03 你要在寄宿家庭待多久 How long will you stay?2017-03-03 申请奖学金 How do I apply for financial aid2017-03-03 我只查一些非常必要的词 I only look up the most necessary ones2017-03-03 琼获得了奖学金 Joan has got the scholarship2017-03-03 玛丽期终考试没有及格 Mary didn't pass the final exam2017-03-03 谁想回答这个问题?Who would like to answer?2017-02-28 如何查找书籍 How do I find books?2017-02-28 我期末考试考砸了 I blew the finally exam2017-02-28 欢迎加入我们学校 Welcome aboard2017-02-28 代数考试时我大脑一片空白 I drew a blank on the algebra test2017-02-28 学士学位 A Bachelor's degree2017-02-28 约翰搬家了 John had moved2017-02-28 学生会纳新 The Students' Union is taking new members2017-02-28 如此脏乱的宿舍 Such a messy dorm2017-02-28 申请办图书卡 To apply for a library card2017-02-28 电子和质子 Electrons and protons2017-02-28 我该如何使用图书馆? How do I use the library?2017-02-28 关于借书 About checking out books2017-02-28 我这周几乎都有考试 I've had exams all week2017-02-28 毕业后的求职打算 Career Plans After Graduation2017-02-24 你是大一的吗? Are You a Freshman?2017-02-24 拿到学士学位 Obtaining A Bachelor\'s Degree2017-02-24 办图书证 Applying for a Library Card2017-02-24 就要进行化学考试了 Our Chemistry Exam Is Coming2017-02-24 你想加入哪个俱乐部?Which Club Do You Want to Join?2017-02-24 初级英语对话:取消了考试 Canceled the Test2017-02-24 初级英语对话:祝你愉快 Have Fun2017-02-24 初级英语对话:我考试不及格 I Failed the Exam2017-02-24 妈妈会打我的 Mom Will Whip Me2017-02-24 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申12017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申22017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申42017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申52017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申62017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申72017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申82017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申92017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申112017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申122017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申132017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申142017-02-21 疯狂英语口语要素精选及引申152017-02-21
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