
口语交际:她怀孕了 She is expecting2017-11-18 口语交际:一切都会解决的 Everything will be settled2017-11-18 口语交际:苏珊得了癌症 Susan has got the cancer2017-11-18 口语交际:Susan要离婚了Susan is going to get a divorce2017-11-18 口语交际:Ann离婚了Ann had divorced2017-11-18 口语交际:以貌取人 Judge people by appearance2017-11-18 口语交际:今年夏天下雨很少It seldom rains this summer2017-11-18 口语交际:全副武装 Armed to the teeth2017-11-18 口语交际:你迟到很长时间了You're ever so late2017-11-17 口语交际:我不能接受你的理由I can't accept your excuse2017-11-17 口语交际:桑德确实是一个出类拔萃的人Sandra is actually a blue chippe2017-11-17 口语交际:她喜欢指手画脚She is a backseat driver2017-11-17 口语交际:他整天不工作瞎混日子He fools around without working2017-11-17 口语交际:我实在是看不下去I can\'t bear to look at it2017-11-17 口语交际:我非常喜欢流行音乐I like pop music very much2017-11-17 口语交际:你想读哪所大学?What university would you enter?2017-11-17 口语交际:在巴黎玩得怎么样?How was your trip to Paris?2017-11-17 口语交际:在这散散步还真不错!Isn't it wonderful walking here?2017-11-17 口语交际:我去纽约应该去参观什么地方?2017-11-17 口语交际:我们就只能参观半天We only have half a day of visiting2017-11-17 口语交际:它可能是咖啡研磨器It could be a coffee grinder2017-11-17 口语交际:你看过那栋房子吗?Have you seen that house?2017-11-17 口语交际:约翰迟到很久了John's very late2017-11-17 口语交际:他被女朋友甩了 His girlfriend dumped him2017-11-17 口语交际:她一定是一个好妻子She must be a good wife2017-11-17 口语交际:什么警察啊!What a police officer!2017-11-17 口语交际:你搞得过火了了You carried it too far2017-11-17 口语交际:这个周末我想去试试高空跳伞2017-11-17 口语交际:去奥运纪念品专卖店怎么样?2017-11-17 口语交际:我们脱帽向英雄致敬We took our hats off to heroes.2017-11-17 口语交际:我不喜欢她的丈夫I don’t like her husband2017-11-17 口语交际:我和我老板大吵了一架I\'ve had a terrible row with my bo2017-11-17 口语交际:你最好戒烟 You'd better give up smoking2017-11-17 口语交际:真不敢相信我们要离开了 It's hard to beIieve that we're l2017-11-17 口语交际:你来送行真是太客气了It's very kind of you to see us off2017-11-17 口语交际:我认为我们买房子买对了I think we've made a good buy2017-11-17 口语交际:我妻子的死对我打击很大I took the death of my wife very h2017-11-17 口语交际:猜猜我看到了谁? Guess who I saw just now?2017-11-17 口语交际:你喜欢旅游吗? Do you like traveling?2017-11-17 口语交际:我今天见到了楼下的女孩 I met the girl living under me to2017-11-17 口语交际:Peter是个了不起的专家Peter is a remarkable expert2017-11-17 口语交际:好消息 Good news2017-11-17 口语交际:周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend?2017-11-17 口语交际:你们俩还挺般配的 You two are a good match2017-11-17 口语交际:我想到机场为你送行I want to see you off at the airport2017-11-17 口语交际:我听说你有了个新室友I heard you got a new roommate2017-11-17 口语交际:她将和弟弟同甘共苦2017-11-17 口语交际:他总是逗我笑He always tickled my finny bone2017-11-17 口语交际:我妻子总是唠唠叨叨的My wife is really a chatter box2017-11-17 口语交际:注重团队合作Team work is highly valued2017-11-17 口语交际:你最喜欢的书是什么?What's your favorite book?2017-11-17 口语交际:你觉得这本书怎么样?What do you think of the book?2017-11-17 口语交际:是本畅销书It's the best seller2017-11-17 口语交际:我最喜欢足球了I like football best of all2017-11-17 口语交际:我打算去海南I’m going to Hainan2017-11-17 口语交际:我很困想睡觉I need some sleep2017-11-17 口语交际:你可以采取强制措施You can twist his arm2017-11-17 口语交际:我对网上聊天上瘾I'm addicted to online chatting2017-11-17 口语交际:我们可以去那家新开的美术馆We could go to that new art gall2017-11-17 口语交际:我今天收到了录用通知I have an offer to work today2017-11-17
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